Privacy Policy

Gems Performing Arts Privacy policy

Please find our Privacy Policy outlined. We aim to offer a transparent view as to how we use and store personal data in line with the GDPR. Any further questions please email us on

You have the right to request the personal information that we hold. You may also request for your personal details to be deleted from our database or to unsubscribe to marketing emails at any time. We promise to keep your data safe. We do not pass on or sell any data we collect to any other businesses or persons.

What personal data we collect and what we do with it:

When you enquire or sign up for one of our classes, we collect data from you in order to keep in touch. You have the option whether you would like to opt in to receive more information on Gems marketing material e.g classes, workshops and free local events. If you decide to opt in to receive emails for marketing purposes we will save your email address to our mailchimp data base and you have the right to unsubscribe to these emails at any time. We use mailchimp as it is fully GPRS compliant.

Free Trial sign up:

When you contact us to organise a free trial session for your child, we will collect: your name, email address, your child’s name and age plus a contact number, for health and safety purposes should we need to contact you during your child's trial class. Should you wish to sign your child up after this, you will be asked to complete a booking form and if you would like to opt in to the Gems mailing list.

Sign up/Booking: When you sign your child up for our Saturday, After School or Holiday clubs we may collect your name, your child's full name so we are able to register them, your child's age, date of birth and school year so we are able to ensure they are placed in the correct class and age group, your email address so we are able to send you a confirmation and full details of your child's place, emergency contact telephone numbers for health and safety purposes should we need to contact you during your child's time with us, your postal address for health and safety purposes, emergency and personal information on your child for health and safety and child protraction purposes and permissions on who will collect your child including their name and contact number for child protection purposes. You also have the option to let us know where you heard about us to give us a better understanding of how our marketing is working and to let us know which school your child attends so we are able to place children who may attend the same school in the same group. Finally you have the option whether you would like to opt in to to be a part of our mailing list.

Getting in touch and keeping in touch

If you contact us by email, letter or telephone, through our website we may ask you if you would like to opt in to receive more information on Gems classes. If you decide to opt in to receive emails for marketing purposes we will save your email address to our mailchimp data base and you have the right to unsubscribe to these emails at any time.

How we use your personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

To keep you up to date with details and information of your child's class which includes reminders of performances, class fee payments and course content including scripts and information packs.

We are required for health and safety purposes to share your child's name and any medical information disclosed to us with your child's class teacher. This data is never shared with anyone else. If you have chosen to opt in to receive more information on Gems marketing material on classes, workshops and newsletters we will use the email address provided to send you information on these topics. You can unsubscribe from our direct marketing at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in any of our emails or by emailing us at

Security Precautions in place to Protect your information

We take the security of any personal information you provide us with extremely seriously. Data from all contact us, booking and enrolment forms are stored in a password encrypted site. Data which is documented for the use of classes and workshops for example registers, emergency contact details and medical information once processed are stored in password protected files on Gems laptop and mobile devices and these are not shared with anyone else, besides the child’s teacher.

How long we keep your personal data for

Data received through enrolment forms is uploaded manually into our database software. Access to these files is restricted through password protection and only available to authorised staff members. Registers and emergency contact lists created from student data are stored in encrypted files on office-based hardware and backed up regularly in our encrypted cloud-based server. Access to these files is restricted through password protection and only available to authorised staff members. Hard copies of registers and emergency contacts are carried by authorised staff members. They are locked away while not in use. They must be kept for Ofsted regulations, but are filed away securly.

Our standard retention policy (without the data subject’s right to access, rectification and erasure etc.) is THREE YEARS post final attendance. Exceptions to our retention policy:

- Financial records are kept for 6 years due to legal obligation

- First Aid records are kept for 21 years due to legal obligation

- Child Safeguarding records are kept indefinitely on a case-by-case basis, the minimum these will stored for is 6 years due to legal obligation.

Who Has Access To Your Information

We never sell or rent your information to any third parties. You will only receive information from Gems Performing Arts. We do however have third party service providers who will have information - Mailchimp our marketing platform, if you subscribe via a link it is via Mailchimp and you can unsubscribe at any time via a link at the bottom of the emails. All booking forms are completed via Class For Kids which is fully GDPR compliant and password protected. There are certain instances where sharing information is crucial to our business processes.

Freelance Teachers:

All Gems Performing Arts tutors are freelance staff and we have confidentiality agreements in place. Teachers will never be provided with personal details aside from participant’s first names, any medical information that is pertinent to the running of a class (subject to consent from the data subject). For Health and Safety Purposes emergency contact numbers for each child may also be provided on the registers.

Child Safeguarding Concerns:

In the unlikely event Gems Performing Arts has a safeguarding concern in relation to one of the participants, Gems Performing Arts are legally required to provide data to the safeguarding board at the local council.

Event Programmes:

Gems Performing Arts may occasionally produce programmes for events. These will only ever contain the first name and first initial of a child’s last name (unless otherwise consented to). The name of a child’s class may also be included. Participants/their Parent and/or Guardians may choose if they do not want to be included in the programme when they agree to participate at an event.

Your Child's School - After School Clubs Only:

If your child is registered onto one of our after school club courses we are required by your child's school as a legitimate interest to inform them that your child will be attending the course by providing the school with your child's full name, class name and school year.

Photos/Videos of Participants:

Gems Performing Arts often use footage/photos used from shows, performances and classes for marketing purposes both in print media and the website. Participants/their Parent and/or Guardians may choose if they do not wish themselves/their child to be depicted. Some attendees at events may film/take photos for their own personal use (e.g. parents of other participants). Participants/their Parent and/or Guardians may choose if they do not wish themselves/their child to be depicted.

Social Media:

Gems Performing Arts occasionally share photos/videos of students in workshops, events and performances through social media platforms including; Facebook, Twitter, Email. These will never be shared with any identifying information (name, age, location etc.). We ask parents not to share images online incase it includes images of other children, unless they have the permission of other parents/guardians.

Public Events:

If a child participates in a public event or performance with Gems Performing Arts and the event has not been directly organised by Gems Performing Arts, then we cannot be held responsible for any images and / or videos taken by members of the public.


Like most websites we use cookies to a small extent to help us gage where in the world our audience are, what web pages are popular and how long people stay on the site. This is anonymous and we do not get any personal data such as emails, names with this data so can not match it to individuals. However it is a handy tool for us to see what works and what doesn’t so we can deliver a better service. It is possible to switch off cookies by setting your browser preferences.